Friday, June 8, 2012

SCGS Jamboree - Friday

While Jamboree sessions requiring registration began at 1:30 today, the exhibit hall opened at noon and the morning choices including a tour, a research trip to the SCGS Library, roundtable discussions, and more.

I chose to attend four sessions all concerning Genealogy Society Development.  Wow!  So much information; SO MANY IDEAS.  Too bad I'm not 10 people (or perhaps I need to be 20).  Cath Madden Trindle's topic was Projects.  Then Schelly Talalay Darshashti spoke about Publicity.  George Morgan provided a long, long list of Affordable Member Benefits.  We finished with Josh Taylor's presentation about Creating a Website.  Most societies have web sites, but Josh gave us great ideas to improve our sites.  I wrote notes and more notes. 

If you are interested in these presentations, you can order video or audio copies of them by contacting Conference Resource at or calling 866-813-2451.  No, I am receiving no compensation for this review.  However, if you want some exciting ideas to energize your society, you can get them through these presentations.

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