I had a great day at the Family History Expo in Mesa. I spent the day in the book for the Family History Society of Arizona. I met so many great people. And some came by more than once just to "chat." I gave some of them names of free web sites (like familysearch, rootsweb and heritage quest). I waved at many others that I knew. I "met" Byron again. We talked last year; he joined FHSA; I saw him at FGS in Springfield in August 2011; and now he's presenting. That was really great to hear.
I was going to have dinner during one of the late afternoon sessions. I ended up not eating until almost 7 because 1-3 people were at the booth continuously from about 4:30 to 6:40. Isn't that great? And I certainly wasn't going to get up and say, "Excuse me, but I want to eat instead of talking with you about genealogy and FHSA."
Mary Lu came by between sessions a couple of times and really helped out, answering questions and visiting with some researchers while I visited with others. Thank you Mary Lu.
Well, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I know it will be great.
Glad you are getting good traffic at your booth. Wish I could be there. It sounds so fun.