Wednesday, February 29, 2012

1940 Census - Index - Please

Yes, I'm another one on the Indexing Bandwagon.  I won't go into details, but PLEASE, sign up to index.  And, if you go to, you can choose the state you would prefer to work on. 

You don't need to wait until April 2.  Practice a little now and you'll feel like a pro in the 30+ days between now and then.  As Mikey used to say, "Try it; you'll like it."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Thoughts

Do you remember decorating shoe boxes in elementary school?  Then each student would bring cards and we'd go home with a box of Valentine's Day wishes?

Do you remember making cards with white and/or red dollies in the shape of hearts or circles?  And trying to cut wonderful hearts out of red construction paper?  These special ones always went to our grandparents and parents?

Do you remember making dozens of rolled cookies?  Heart shaped, of course.  And decorating them with red (really pink) and white frosting?  And trying to write on them with a frosting filled cone?  These would go to neighbors and friends.

Do you remember those little heart-shaped candies with words on them?  And sorting through them in order to make a sentence and then put them on a little plate for a parent?  Or a friend?  Or a spouse? 

And now, I look through dozens of cards, to find the perfect one for my husband of many+ years, in order to let him know how much I love him. 

Happy Valentine's Day to all.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Surname Saturday - Isaacs, Norman Frances

Norman Frances Isaacs was born in Texas in 1920.  I believe he died in Nevada in 1979.  While I know he had one son, born in 1950 in California (still living), I am looking for other children of Norman Isaacs and his wife Lora NaDean Hardin (1920 Texas to 1996 Nevada).

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

GRIPitt - Registration Success

I just registered for the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburg (GRIPitt).  With the advice of Michelle, I was registered in my first choice class and received an email confirmation with a time of 10:01 (just one minute after registration opened).  Thank you Michelle.

I'm so excited.  I've never been to an Institute.  No, it's not close (I live in Arizona).  No, I don't have any ancestors in Pennsylvania.  BUT I'm going to be learning so much that will improve my research skills.  Fortunately, I have five months to prepare. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Roots Tech 2013

I am listening to Josh Taylor.  I don't know if I heard correctly, but did he say that RootsTech 2013 is going to be in March?  If so, when? 

I have been trying to figure out how to follow RootsTech on facebook.  I do have a facebook account and have friends who are mainly family.  But I can't figure out how to get RootsTech info on facebook.  And I don't have a twitter account, so I don't understand how to read some of that info.  Remember, I'm tech challenged! 

But, perhaps in one year I'll be able to feel comfortable enough with some of this to attend.